PRUSA and Bambu Lab Consider Pulling Out of Open Source Development. Is Creality our Only Hope?
The Absolute State of open-source and 3D Printing today...
Creality has reminded us that their source code is available online for all of their Ender series printers. To round out this show of goodwill, I would like to see them open up the Sonic Pad to 3rd party development, and ensure the upcoming K1 has its source code released as well.
Meanwhile, Bambulab discusses using legal action to prevent the development of competitor's products, and PRUSA mulls over the option of moving away from open source, and creating an alternate licensing model for their latest printers. Let's hope we don't get locked into another nuclear winter of 3D printer stagnation due to excessive patenting and anticompetitive behavior.
PRUSA expressing displeasure on being ripped off too many times and moving away from Open Source:
Bambu Lab Blog Post responding to "Jo" Prusa - egging him on and making themselves out to be ingenuine hypercompetitive psychopaths in the process:
Reddit post on Bambu Lab Patents, proving that although they benefited from decades of open source development, they are wanting to dominate the market and close the door behind them. IMO that attitude should not be welcomed here and is grounds for a boycott. GRAB THE PICKETS BOYS!
Ender Series Source Code:
Ender-3 S1
Ender-3 S1 multi-language, the first speed-up features, vibration optimization, etc.
Ender-3 S1 PRO display related
Ender-3 S1 Plus display related
Ender-5 S1
Ender-5 S1 Display Related